
Archive for October 12th, 2009

I was reading a book  entitled Organizing from the Inside Out written by Julie Morgemstern.  Something came up in my mind of what I can do to reduce clutter in the house.  Guess what I did?  I purged all papers, forms, mixes, and even a very few jars since I am no longer in business with Taste of Gourmet.  Yes, their foods are delicious.  Unfortunately I have other interests that I want to pursue.

Also, I purged all papers from the file cabinet and a couple of notebooks that are in regards with Washington State Association of the Deaf  (WSAD), which I am no longer member of that organization.  I put them in the box.  I am expecting someone to pick up that box.  What a good start to reduce clutter!

I personally think that this book Organizing from the Inside Out is an excellent book to read.  Why?  It helps readers to analyze and figure out based on what are their habits and numerous of reasons why clutters at homes are not being taken care of.

From what I have learned is that my mother and grandmother had gone through the Great Depression in 1930’s.  My understanding is that some people, who experienced the Great Depression had some fears to let things go such as clothes, hats, jewels, etc.  Also, some people are being very frugal by saving money and cooking meals at home instead of eating out.

There is a perfect example.  I have learned from a family friend whom my mother used to go schools with in the old times, that my grandmother and my mother tended to make their coffee at home.  One of my mother’s family friend asked her (my mother) to go out and have a cup of coffee with her.  She said that she prefers to have coffee at home in order to save money.  I can see of how frugal she was.

Both my grandmother and my mother passed away, I still have surplus unopened boxes that are left in the unfinished basement, which I haven’t gone through for years since I moved and reside about 20 minutes north from Seattle.  Believe it or not.  I still have a white crib, swing, and bassinet in the unfinished basement.  I was in them when I was a baby years ago!  Oh yeah.  I gotta to get rid of them somehow.

I have learned that I had been somewhat vulnerable and depressed after my beloved mother passed away.  Then three years later, I met my ex-husband and married to him two years later.  I did not recognize that I was actually in Domestic Violence relationship.  While I was married, I had been feeling quite depressed and was not being productive as I should have.  Of course I still have a big scar from that marriage.   Then I had to go through heavy legal such as going through a divorce, parenting plan, and Guardian Ad Litem.  It last more than two years!

As for nowadays, my mind is quite clear and know what I need to accomplish.  I am much happier and am having peace in my life with my 5 years old son, Nolan.

At last, I am still reading this book.  My next goal is to straighten out my home office and get everything organized.  This way I don’t need to keep looking for papers I need and feel quite confused based on which paperwork I need to complete.

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